
Thursday, September 30, 2010

RIP Tony Curtis

Tony Curtis (Bernard Schwartz) died yesterday from cardiac arrest at the age of 85. Known for being a screen legend and an accomplished artist, Tony was able to live a fulfilled life. He was always very nice to his fans from what I witnessed. Also, he was charismatic and a fantastic storyteller. I'm glad that I got to listen to him on two separate occasions, recalling experiences from his personal life, as well as from his career. Thanks for the laughs and the awesome movies, Tony! We sure are going to miss you!


Craig said...

Thanks for the great tribute to Tony & More wonderful photos. I just left a comment on your birthday tribute. Since his death I have read several comments about how good he was to his fans. I know that is true for the kind way he treated me when I met him in April 2009. I will always cherish the memory. Two things that really stood out that this was Tony CUrtis were his Blue eyes and that unique voice. It was awesome to meet him.

Kalli said...

You're right about his blue eyes and his voice! The old Tony still had the young Tony eyes and the distinctive voice. We're lucky to have met him.

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